Membership Information

We meet on the first Friday of the month (unless otherwise specified) at Alves Village Hall. Doors open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start.

  • Under 16s must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
  • 16 – 18 years of age may attend unaccompanied but the parent/guardian is to ensure that they are provided with transport to/from the meeting.

Club/Public Events
In addition to our monthly meetings, we offer occasional club and public events eg solar or night observing sessions, meteor watches and astronomy workshops.

  • Under 18s must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Membership Rates
Membership starts in January, with a pro-rata rate for anybody joining throughout the year. Your first meeting is FREE.

Joining Month
Ordinary Student* Under 18
January – March £28.00 £14.00 FREE
April – June £21.00 £11.00 FREE
July – September £14.00 £8.00 FREE
October – December £7.00 £4.00 FREE

* Student membership is for those aged 18 or over in full-time education

SIGMA Members re-joining each year pay the full year’s rate whenever they re-join, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Further information can be found by contacting the Membership Secretary.

As a SIGMA member you also get membership to our affiliated astronomical societies of Highlands Astronomical Society and  North Ronaldsay Astronomy Club

Affiliated members may attend each other’s monthly meetings and events. (Note this does not confer voting rights unless you are a Club/ Society member).

Child Membership

Children under the age of 18 can join SIGMA.

  • Under-16s can only attend in-person meetings and/or events if accompanied by a fully paid-up member who is a parent or guardian of said child.
  • Children between16 – 18 years of age can attend the regular monthly club meetings and workshops unaccompanied; these include any extra meetings which may be organised from time to time.  The parent/guardian is to ensure that they are provided with transport to/ from the meeting.  For attendance at observing sessions and other types of SIGMA events, they must be accompanied by a fully paid-up member who is a parent or guardian of said child.

Please provide details of the parent or guardian who is most likely to accompany the child.


Your privacy is important to us, and we want to communicate with SIGMA Club members in a way which has their consent, and which is in line with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). We will only ever use your details for Club business.

This includes keeping you informed about meetings, activities, events and other important club news, and to inform you when your membership is due for renewal or similar requirements.

Your details will be securely stored in Google Drive to which only selected SIGMA Committee Members have access.

We will never share this information with any third party or use it for the promotion of products and services that are not specific SIGMA business.

We will mainly contact you using the email address you have provided and only use your phone number to call you or text you where there’s a need to provide you with important information and your email bounces, or if the message is urgent.

If any of the information you have given us changes, then please email with these changes to that we can keep our records up to date.

Application for Membership

Membership Form

Application Type

Please select

Applicant Details


Membership Type

Please select type of membership

Parent/Guardian Details


Parent/Guardian Membership Type

Please select type of membership

Under-18 Details


Membership Type

Please select type of membership

Payment Method

Please select how you wish to pay

Data Consent

I consent to the personal data supplied being stored for the purposes stated above.

How did you find out about SIGMA?

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